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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Prim and Propper

As for my blog earlier about what I'd been to last holy week. I'm blogging what I wore on that date with my college friends. :D I checked out my looks LB, I realized that it sucks to post my cheesy pants twice in a row. I hate repeating clothes especially pants really close to one another. So I must keep that pants for the mean time and must flaunt new colored ones. Just so excited to share with you guys! I miss wearing collared shirts and how it makes me look so preppy. I got it altered with the sleeves part to have it well fitted. It's just not nice to see a guy wearing a polo shirt with their sleeves dangling with excess sheet.

I dared to cross colors between my red belt and blue green pants because I find it very interesting as it clashed contrast. I bet it would look so pale boring if I would have worn a grey pants. Like a statuesque I guess. lol. And I'm glad that trying on a hot red wayfarer didn't wreck the whole 'prim and propper' vibe. I love seeing connections with my entire outfit. From shades to belt, to my shirt and shoes. Btw thank you to Joseph my friend who got back from U.K. for giving me new socks from H&M. An addition to my collection of socks! <so into it!> :'3

Hype this look here

My friend mentioned that my pants looked so summer. Well yeah! it is indeed hot and time to flaunt something like these right? I love standing out in the sea of jeans and blacks. I'm just over with jeans and dark colors, especially when I shop. My eyes are straightly drawn towards the ones standing in the rack. I know that I can do so much for having different kinds of pants. Good thing I'm confident with colors and how I mix and match every pieces that I have, it just totally surprise me!

You guys must see more varieties from me.. ;D Oh well, til next time guys! I hope you guys like this good boy look!


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