Lately I've been crazy bout downloading actions for that quick vintage effect. Since it bothers me to make a perfect vintage set. Then my co-artist told me that I could download it via google. So I did. (Yes I'm stupid enough not to be aware of these kinds. It's a constant learning process guys! lol) Anywho, I'll share the basics on how to upload it and usage of these actions. Like it's my first time! lol.
First you can choose and download the ones that I got here. (To get you start with)
It connects to the deviantart acct of the source and you just have to click download
**After you download you need to transfer it to the "Actions folder"**
-Copy the downloaded file either from your download folder/desktop
-Paste it here:
Application>Adobe Photoshop>Presets>Action
(if you're using Mac & and find it in your Local Disk D if you're using Windows)
Open your image to edit.
Open your actions tab and click the arrow down at the upper right corner of it.
Choose 'Load Actions' to upload your downloaded actions.
Find your Adobe Photoshop in your applications
(if you're using Mac & and find it in your Local Disk D if you're using Windows)
Click 'Presets'
Click 'Actions'
..and click the downloaded action.
1. Scroll down to see the folder of the uploaded action at your Actions tab.
2. Click the play button to let it do all the effect by itself.
(It won't take a long wink I swear!)
*When it prompts about brightness/contrast you just have to choose 'OK'
if you wanna see the layers and adjust the opacity of the effects
And there you go at your right side layers, you will see the effects it did by itself.
(I added a brush effect for the first 2 layers to have a polishing effect. It's yellow and blue.)
You could also brush up a touch of red to create a sun burn on the side. ;)
There you go! 2 combo photos put together for your lookbook account!
Very nostalgic abut definitely better than instagram! ;D
P.S.: You can hype my sister's look here. Fan her too! lol..
Hope you guys understood some of what I shared! haha!
love ya guys!
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